You Give. you Get!
When you bring in 3 cans of food
Discounted Lift Ticket pricing from 4/7 -4/10 Monday -Thursday
*$34 Adult *$29 Youth *$0 Child *With 3 cans of food Otherwise Midweek Pricing
Discounted Lift ticket pricing for Friday 4/11
*$44 Adult *$34 Youth *$0 Child *With 3 cans of food Otherwise Friday Pricing
Discounted Lift ticket pricing for Saturday-Sunday 4/12-4/13
*$54 Adult *$44 Youth *$0 Child *With 3 cans of food Otherwise Weekend Pricing
Canned Food Donations will go to the Chewelah Food Bank to benefit the Chewelah community.
Join Us Saturday and Sunday, April 5th & 6th for our 3rd Annual "Out Like a Lion" dining and live music two-day event
Saturday April 5th and Sunday April 6th 9:30 am-5pm
Saturday, April 5th
Northwest Breeze 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Oskar Owens & The Spins 12 pm – 2pm
Ember Brightheart 2:30 – 3:00pm
Kalan Wolfe & The Shift 3:00 – 5:00pm
Food Specials - On The Deck
Hawaiian Plate Lunch
Choice of Kahlua Pork or Fried Garlic Chicken
Pea Salad
Hawaiian Mac salad
Sticky Rice
Haupia - coconut pudding
Fresh Fruit
Sunday, April 6th
Jake Rozier 9:30 – 11:30am
Kalan Wolfe & The Shift 12:00 – 2:00pm
Antique Snow Machine 2:30 – 4:30pm
Hawaiian Food Specials - On The Deck
Chicken Long Rice
Hawaiian Seafood Soup
Hawaiian Pineapple Salad
Malasada - fruit-filled pastry
Fresh Fruit
Playing Live - On the Deck
Saturday, April 5th
Northwest Breeze 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Oskar Owens & The Spins 12 pm – 2pm
Ember Brightheart 2:30 – 3:00pm
Kalan Wolfe & The Shift 3:00 – 5:00pm
Sunday, April 6th
Jake Rozier 9:30 – 11:30am
Kalan Wolfe & The Shift 12:00 – 2:00pm
Antique Snow Machine 2:30 – 4:30pm
Playing Live in The Boomtown Bar 11am-Close
Heather King
Saturday, March 29th
Come out for the anti-competition event of the season, Jaeger's Park Party, on Saturday, March 29th, sponsored by Pistole Boardshop! Enjoy a day of spring park laps, creative lines, and progression through a shared passion. No judges, no scores, just a day of shredding where the stoke of friends counts for more than anything else. Inspired by and dedicated to Pro Snowboarder Jaeger Bailey, a local legend, taken from us too soon.
9am-11am Kalispel Creek Lodge Main Floor
*Under Milo the Moose Registration: $15
*Proceeds to benefit Suicide Awareness and Prevention
The Party
11am - 2pm
Prizes will be given out throughout the day!
No access to the Park Party venue without registration.
Everyone must sign a waiver
Presented by Pistole & Bataleon
Please call the Snowsports School at 509-935-6649 ext 610 with any questions
Playing Live in The Boomtown Bar 11am-Close
Tucker James
Friday, March 28th
Open: Daily through Tuesday, March 26th
Closed: Wednesday & Thursday, March 26th-27th & April 2nd-3rd
Open: April 4th-14th
Closed: Tuesdays-Thursdays beginning April 15th
Open: Fridays-Mondays beginning April 18th
We will remain open as long as conditions allow!
See our Operation Calendar for lifts and schedules *Check back often as conditions can change quickly!
Spring Discounted Tickets April 7th-13th
*Check our Conditions first for the latest operations and lift times
Lifts begin loading at 9:00 am and the last chair will load at 4:00 pm. *Unless noted otherwise on the Conditions Report
The ticket office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pre-purchase your lift tickets online HERE, the earlier you book the more you save.
Thinking about a Season Pass? You can turn your day ticket into a 25/26 Season Pass and save!
Ask ticketing for more information!
Call us at 509-935-6649 Ext. 601 or Ext. 609